Trusting, doing, and being myself
I over-think EVERYTHING.
During the process of my latest epiphany, I decided I needed to add 2 more bible verses to my scripture design collection. I hope they speak to you the way they did to me the other day.
Backstory on Epiphany:As a mother, I'm constantly focusing on how I can give my child the best upbringing, but I'm also constantly pulled to and fro by my own lack of confidence. A good example is education. When my son was a baby, we (hubby and I) decided to homeschool our son. Let me tell you - the world is FULL of opinions about homeschooling to start with. But combine other people's opinions with all the shiny private schools (with their sugary-sweet trained staff who went to college for this type of thing) and it's easy to start feel like an incapable mother.

Forget about the what if's, just trust God and do good.
Even though I know my son is getting more out of his education than a large percentage of others (homeschooled or traditionally educated) I still wrestle with my decision. But not because of how I feel about it; because of what society and culture tell me about it. Why in the world am I relying on imperfect people to help me perfect my imperfect life? I'll tell you why. Because with all the hustle and bustle of this physical world, there are plenty of opportunities to forget who the Author of Perfection really is.
I tried to capture the muck of human existence with my Psalms 37:3 scripture subway sign; Its not always pretty, but we are told to keep our eyes on the Father and not the world around us. Through all the chaos, dinge and dust surrounding our lives, we continue to trust. No matter how unpopular it gets, we continue to do good.
Despite all the grey areas of doubt and indecisiveness my mind likes to rummage through - you know, the what if's - I realize it really is black and white.
I've allowed my thinking to be conformed to this world.

That revelation has the power to simplify life. All the guilt and shame of "not measuring up" to my own standards starts to fall away when I realize and accept that many of my own standards are not my own to start with.
Romans 12:2 came to mind, and I knew this would be my next scripture subway sign.
But I couldn't remember the entire verse, and when I looked it up there were like 300 translations. About 7 translations down though, was exactly the translation I needed to drive it home:
"Don't become like the people of this world. Instead, change the way you think. Then you will always be able to determine what God really wants-what is good, pleasing, and perfect."
Too many of us spend our lives trying to get it right. We fail to recognize the fact that what's right for one isn't always right for the other.
So remember, there's a plan and path for all of us. Just as we are all individuals, so are our journeys. Don't let the opinions of others determine your direction. Just do good by God and before you know it, you will have found the path that was designed just for you.
Find my Psalms 37:3 Canvas here:
Find my Romans 12:2 Canvas here: